05 Mar Gaining skills, confidence and having fun
By Mark Webber, Tennis Dad
Jack was 5 when he started playing tennis at EPS. He loves anything that involves whacking a ball, and it’s great to see him grow in confidence, develop skills, make new friends outside of school. Most importantly he has fun.
Lyndall and her fantastic team are full of energy and keep the activities fun to suit all ability levels – Jack particularly likes ‘space invaders’ and some of the catching games. Now Jack is 9 he plays ‘green’ ball on a full-court, group sessions twice a week, a one-to-one lesson, matches against other clubs, and in external tournaments and match plays. One-to-one lessons have provided a great avenue to hone skills and prepare for external competitions against other kids who are regularly competing and play to a slightly higher level.
EPS runs ‘camps’ outside of the school term for anyone to participate. The nice thing I find about tennis is that size and age don’t matter – tennis is as much about accuracy and tactics as pure power. Jack gets satisfaction from doing well against bigger and stronger kids, as well as building emotional skills by being empathetic to those who are less experienced.
There is also plenty for parents – cardio, lessons, and socialising – we’re trying collectively to figure out how match scoring works and still haven’t mastered it … Plus you can help to referee and captain our junior teams. The best thing is the chance to see your child progress in a lovely sport that can be played by anyone all year round.
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