Schools Mini Tennis delivery makes perfect sense, using smaller courts and balls that aren’t too bouncy is suited to pupils of mixed playing experience!
Interactive, inspiring and inclusive sessions can be delivered to a whole class in a small space. By the end of a term we guarantee the majority of pupils will feeling comfortable swinging a racket and will be keen to continue playing.
Understanding that our schools don’t have an endless budget we strive to work with class teachers supporting them to find their inner tennis!
For more information please drop us a line.
Gordon Primary School (SE9)
We’re forever grateful to Gordon Primary School for giving us our first ever gig! We started in the winter of 2016 and have had the good fortune to work with students in key stage one and two.
Fitting sport around a busy schedule of study is a tough ask. Keeping sport on the agenda is super important as secondary students are the most likely group to bin sport and activity.
Success is seeing students from our local schools taking part in programmed activity, arranging a game with mates or putting their developing leadership skills into practice with us!
For more information please drop us a line.
Stationers Crown Woods Academy
What a fantastic set-up these guys have for PE, highly qualified teaching team, super students and fantastic sports facilities. We started working with Stationers Crown Woods as part of our Sportivate project, delivering during curriculum time and free after-school sessions at Eltham Park South for girls aged 11 +.
St Thomas More Catholic Comprehensive
Just a hop, skip and a jump away from Eltham Park South, we’ve delivered taster sessions to the year 10’s. We started working with St Thomas More as part of our Sportivate project and together aim to get more of the female students involved in after-school activity.